"Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in truth, but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting".
-1 Corinthians 13:5-7
A few months ago my Mama shared this Bible verse with me and I agree with it and I think about it with my friendships. The more I think about this verse the more I rethink about some of the feelings I have had for people and certain friendships (side note: real friends are gems, never take them for granted!). Love is a feeling that you have for someone that never falters and a feeling that is selfless. In the verse above, it is never "selfish or quick tempered". If love was selfish, quick tempered and it always kept up with others wrong doings, how else are you suppose to progress with your partner? Speaking of partners, when looking for someone you are considering to date, (I know it sounds cheesy but it's true) always look at their personality! Never be with someone because of how handsome or pretty they look. Because if you only consider how someone looks, those looks are going to fade in a couple of years. So, when thinking about dating someone (or even having a crush on someone) I like to think of these questions:1. Do they have the same morals as me?
2. Do they respect me and my boundaries?
3. (Most importantly) Do I see this person as a potential person to marry?
When someone is dating another person it is (in my opinion) the stage before marriage. So if you don't see yourself with that person, why bother being with them? I hope all of you enjoyed this article and I hope all of you stay positive! (P.S If you have any questions you can comment down below or you can email me at randombutyetpositiveadvice@gmail.com!)

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